Beau Property and the Benefits of Staging
Chris Hammond – Benefits of Home Staging
Not sure how?
In the video below, HSA Founding Member Chris Hammond of Beau Property discusses how he’s seen first-hand the benefits of staging when he began doing it himself. Since he noticed a decrease sell time and an increased price for his homes, he believes taking it to experts in the field will achieve the best possible results.
This is why Chris is an HSA Founding Member and Beau Property Staging is a HSA Accredited Staging Company. Watch his “How has home staging helped you?” video linked to see why Chris used these benefits and the wonders of Home Staging within his company.
Chris recommends engaging with interior design & home staging from the get-go of the project. His main benefit lays within it suiting the electrical aspects. Chris’ examples include aspects as small as where TV’s should be positioned in the house to know where the ideal location for TV points reside.
Find out Chris’ other recommendations in his video below, his “How has engaging with an interior designer at the start of your projects helped you?” explains how finalisation is important.
Interior design goes hand in hand with home staging, both making a property flourish. Joss Miller is the interior designer for Beau Property. She knows first-hand the importance of Home Staging and how it dismisses the feel of lack of character and instead brings warmth & soul to a property.
“Helping viewers to visualize themselves living there and calling it their home” is one importance Joss mentions.
Joss outlines the importance further in her “Why do you think home staging is so important?” video below showing as an interior designer, she is on board with the rapidly growing home staging industry.