How to Create More ROI on your Home Staging Efforts

By Chris Hammond

Professionally staged home by Beau Property Home Staging. Show home lounge featuring staged sofa with cushions & throw. decorative ornament on the coffee table.

Home staging is the process of preparing a home for sale. The goal of home staging is to make the property more attractive to potential buyers by accentuating its best features and downplaying any flaws. While home staging is an upfront cost, there are ways to ensure that you get a good return on your investment. Here are three tips for creating more ROI on your home staging efforts.

The first thing potential buyers will see when they pull up to your home is the outside. Make sure the landscaping is trimmed and tidy and that the exterior of the house is in good repair. If necessary, consider repainting or power washing the outside. These simple fixes can make a big difference in how buyers perceive your home.

Once potential buyers are inside, you want them to be able to picture themselves living there. That means getting rid of any clutter and personal items like family photos. Renting a storage unit for these items is a small cost that can pay off in a higher selling price.

Every home has features that make it special and unique. When staging your home, make sure to highlight these features. If you have a beautiful fireplace, stage the area around it so that it becomes the focal point of the room. Buyers will be drawn to these special features, remember them and will be more likely to make an offer on your home.

Homebuyers love bright, airy spaces—so open up those curtains and turn on some lights! Not only will this make your home look larger and more inviting, but it will also give potential buyers a chance to see how well-lit your space is. And if you have any dark corners in your home, consider adding some additional lighting fixtures to help brighten things up.

Home staging can be a great way to increase the selling price of your home; however, it’s important to stage your home in a way that will create maximum ROI. By focusing on first impressions, decluttering and depersonalizing, and highlighting the best features of your home, you can make sure that your home staging efforts pay off when it’s time to sell.

And while hiring a professional home stager can seem expensive, the return on investment (ROI) can be worth it. In fact, studies have shown that homes that are professionally staged typically sell for 4-6% more than homes that are not staged.